For this initiative, the City of New Orleans has partnered with the Louisiana Public Health Institute, the Louisiana Department of Health and Metropolitan Human Services District to keep the opioid epidemic from destroying lives and families. We hope to empower citizens to help themselves and the people in their lives, and to use information and preparation to keep overdose deaths at bay.
Mayor Mitch Landrieu, the New Orleans Health Department (NOHD) and local public safety agencies along with community partners released a comprehensive plan to address opioid addiction and overdose in New Orleans. The plan seeks to further increase access to naloxone, the overdose treatment; educate the community on overdose, prevention and addiction treatment; increase options for safe medication disposal to get unwanted prescription opioids out of homes quickly; engage pharmacies to increase opioid counseling at time of medication dispensing; and link nonfatal overdose victims in the emergency department directly with treatment resources.
The City's Plan